What it's all about...

I'm a 39 year old wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. That should tell you who I'll be writing about most of the time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So much to catch up on...

It is the Tuesday after my fantastic 4-day Thanksgiving weekend. I really enjoyed my days off. A (not-so) brief run down:

  • Thursday (Thanksgiving Day): We went to my parents for dinner, it was sooo good! While there, we worked out our strategy for Friday's shopping. Shell didn't get off work until 6, so it was up to me to hit the early sales. The girl is getting a Nintendo DS, and Circuit City had the best price so that was my first stop. They opened at 5am, I was in line at 3:50 and was about 20th in line. Luckily this is not a hot item this year, as I was in and out of the store in less then 10 minutes. Yippee! Then on to Gordmans to pick up luggage for my parents and a dog bed for the hounds. A quick drive thru for hot chocolate at Starbucks and I was at Kmart at 5:45. I got what I needed there, and then stood in line FOREVER! Talked to Shell as she was leaving work to head to Penneys. After Kmart, I headed to Kohls. Didn't have any luck there, so went to Target. Shell met me there, and we shopped. We checked so many things off our list that day, it was great. The kids stayed overnight at my parents on Thursday, so I could get done what I needed to. After we were done, Shell went home to sleep and went back to pick up the kids and eat Thanksgiving leftovers. Took Joe to have his follow-up bloodwork and he weighed 5 pounds more than he did 2weeks ago. Yay Joe! The bloodwork looked great too. What a relief! I was so tired that night, I did get up at 2:50am after all, that I was asleep before Shell left for work, probably about 8:45. I slept all night.

  • Saturday morning I got up and mom picked me up at 10am to go shopping with her. We went to Walgreens ( stocked up on wrapping paper, tissue paper, gift boxes and gift tags), Michaels, Kmart (she checked off most of her list there), Hallmark (my sisters b-day present-check), Tuesday Morning (cute things there-must go back), had lunch at Pei Wei (yummy lettuce wraps) and the Restaurant Supply Store (Shell's gifts). We were gone for 7 hours! When I got home, my boy was complaining that his ears were hurting and he had a bit of a fever. So we ate dinner and Shell took him to the Urgent Care. He did in fact have an ear infection, so he got a script for Amoxicillan and they were home by 10:30pm. Off to bed we all went. Whew, what a day!

  • Sunday was a pretty lazy day. I slept in until after 11! We browsed the newspaper for the sale ads and made our grocery list. Me and the kids went to Wal-Mart and Shell went shopping again. She picked up a few more things off our list. We had hot dogs and mac & cheese for dinner and were in bed around 9ish. It was a great weekend!

  • Monday was a busy hectic day at work, but I met Shell at Kmart at lunchtime and we picked up a few more items then went over to Hallmark and got our ornament for this year. It's a Nightmare Before Christmas ornament. Every year we get a new ornament that either says the year or that we can mark with the year. We used to try to find one that symbolized the year somehow, sometimes it works out that way, sometimes not. We also got baby's first Christmas ones for the new babies in the family. We are almost officially done shopping, and it's not even December yet!!

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