What it's all about...

I'm a 39 year old wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. That should tell you who I'll be writing about most of the time.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Counting Down

35 days until Christmas. It's practically here. But we have an almost plan. We sat down over the weekend and made a list of the people we are buying for and what we plan to get them. Excluding our kids. They are going to be the challenge, as usual. But as for the rest, I think we've got a good plan. We are done shopping for my parents. I bought a gift for my best friend, just one thing left to get him. We will do some shopping on Friday for the sales, and after that we should be mostly done. We have scaled way back this year. After the tickets for the Championship Series game, money for Joe's mystery illness, and the tires that both of our cars need going into winter, our Christmas budget has really diminished. We chose names in Dana's family and for my nieces & nephew. My sisters and I are not buying for each other. I do have to get them something for their birthday (They are twins), which is two days after Christmas. Thanks for that Mom! But I think that if we stick to our plan, or at least close to it, we should be fine.
I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving. Not only do I have a 4 day weekend, but my mom is cooking this year. I love the stuff she makes for Turkey Day. This is easily one of my favorite holidays. No gift giving/buying!! Just hanging out and eating. However, speaking of eating... My blood pressure is still not good. Still higher than my doctor would like. He is now forcefully suggesting exercise. I guess I need to listen now. Since my last appointment, I have not walked one day. And of course the weather is changing to cold today. We are supposed to get snow tonight. I think I need to break out my Walk Away The Pounds DVD's again. Yay!
The Writers Guild strike is now affecting me. Up until last night, all my shows were on as scheduled. Until last night. Then, it was reruns for How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. I love, love, love those shows. I do not love, love, love reruns (Unless I didn't see the episode when it was first run, but with my DVR that rarely happens). So now it's inevitable that my shows will slowly start to taper off as the ones in the can are aired. I wholeheartedly back the writers and what they are striking for. And really, in the whole scheme of things my life is not going to end without new episodes. But once you get invested in a show, it's frustrating to see it interrupted. Oh poor me!

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