What it's all about...

I'm a 39 year old wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. That should tell you who I'll be writing about most of the time.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

On We Go

It's Thursday and so far so good. We have not broken our "No fast food" and "no Starbucks" vows. We have made dinner each night this week. Well, last night was leftovers but it still counts. My wife hasn't yet complained about doing the bulk of the cooking, and I've just mentally complained about doing all the dishes. It's been a good week so far. And we are going to finish the week on Saturday with an adults only get together. This makes me happy. We are going to have the first (hopefully of many) game nights at Dana & Jeannie's. I love games. Specifically games that are not card games. I don't really love card games. Except for Shanghai. I'm hopeful that we will be playing games I like. Even so, it's a night with no kids. Yay!

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