What it's all about...

I'm a 39 year old wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. That should tell you who I'll be writing about most of the time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Back in August when my kids went back to school, I took these pictures of them but my daughters' ID had her name and the name of her school on it. Since I didn't want them in view, I thought I was going to have to forget about posting them here. But after asking my best friend if he could help me out, VOILA! Here they are:

L to R: My Boy, My Girl, My kids with their cousins.


Teaberry said...

Your kids seem really sweet! What happy smiles!

Jilliebean said...

Your kids are precious!

Renaissance Woman said...

Cute pictures and what a good job your friend did with the id. Thanks for visiting my blog.