What it's all about...

I'm a 39 year old wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. That should tell you who I'll be writing about most of the time.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Meme Retraction

In this meme, I named an embarassing moment in my life. Well, had I waited just a little longer, I could have named this new one. It's good for a laugh, enjoy.
Yesterday we dropped the kids off at my parents house so we could go grocery shopping and run a few errands. One of these errands was a trip to the "adult toy store" as we refer to it. Since Shell was using one of her credit cards for our purchases, I wouldn't need my purse so I put it in the trunk. Once done with our shopping, we returned to the car and I realized that I had dropped my keys in my purse before locking it in the trunk. We quickly realized that the only option we had was to call my parents and ask if one of them could get Shell's keys from our house (they have an extra key) and bring it to us. I hoped to get my dad to come, because I knew he wouldn't say anything about where we were. But he was busy, so my mom decided to come instead. I was HORRIFIED! Somewhat luckily, the shopping center where the store is located also houses a movie theater that my mom is aware of, otherwise she would have balked at having to drive the 15 miles away that we were. When I called her, I told her that we stopped there to eat (there is a Popeye's Chicken next door), after picking something up from my work. After she agreed to come, I asked the very understanding employee at the store to hold our purchases until after my mom came, you know to back up our story. Except that while waiting for her to get there, we realized that we would be found out. Not only were we parked directly in front of the adult store, but we were in the 1 Hour Parking.
Shell wondered if my mom would know what the store was just by the name. It's Fascinations, what do you think? So we waited, deciding that she wouldn't say anything when she got there, but would probably say something at another time so that we would know that she knew. We were fine with that, what choice did we have? Then it got slightly more horrifying when she pulled into the parking lot with our daughter in the car! At least I know SHE won't know what the store sells... With keys in hand and thinking we might still be able to pull this off (you know, MAYBE she wouldn't see where the car was parked), we took a couple of steps toward Popeye's figuring that she'd drive off. But no, she sat there waiting. We took a deep breath, walked to the car and got in. Then she drove away. We ran back into the store, got our bag and left.
When we picked up the kids later, she didn't say a word about it. Although when I thanked her again for bringing the keys to us, she changed the subject pretty quickly. I know she's just waiting for the right time...


Maria said...

I'll be back to read this post, right now I just wanted to assure you that I do not make my own steel cut oatmeal! No sirree Billie. I buy it at the health food store. The absolute BEST hot cereal in the world is called Mother's Oat Bran and I buy it at Whole Foods. Just make sure to make it with milk instead of water. (To be honest, sometimes I even make it with half and half...) And then add brown sugar and raisins...YUM!

Maria said...

I wonder if Bing and I are the only couple around who do not own any sex toys. Nary a vibrator at our house. Once, she brought home a vibrator thingy but when she turned it on in the middle of a very good time, it was so LOUD. I swear to god that it sounded like my hand held mixer. I started laughing and the moment was lost....

StephLove said...

I think I would have called a locksmith! Either that or abandon my purchases and come back for them later.