What it's all about...

I'm a 39 year old wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. That should tell you who I'll be writing about most of the time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello December!

December already?? I seriously am in disbelief that this year is coming to a close so quickly. I'm pretty sure that this month is going to fly by as well. The next two weeks especially. The last day of this semester is the 13th, so I have the final assignments that need to be submitted in the next week and then final exams to wrap it all up. I'm surprised that I'm almost done with my first semester. It's been harder than I imagined, but I've done it. I'm nervous about the finals, but I know that I'll do the best I can and then it'll be out of my hands. I would appreciate some positive thoughts though!

To add to that, we are moving the location of my office at work next week. We aren't moving too far and it will be a little closer to my house, so that's nice. But there is so much to be done and I can only pack so much of my stuff up ahead of time, as I access so much so often. Moving day is Tuesday and I won't have any network or phone connections that whole day, my only focus will be on the move. I'm kind of looking forward to it, but at the same time dreading what the following days will be like trying to get my normal job done while also getting the office settled in. It'll be very busy for sure!

I'm hoping that after finals are over and the move is done, things will settle down a little and I can enjoy this time off before school starts in January. We bought an artificial tree for the first time at the Black Friday sale this year, so we're thinking about putting it up this weekend and starting to decorate. The kids are ready and I think we could all use the change in scenery. We're about halfway done with our Christmas shopping, but this is mostly because we're not buying much this year. But I'd like to get some wrapped gifts under the tree so the kids can see them. The Santa issue hasn't come up at all, and I just don't know what to do about it. Other than clothes and a few small items, they are each getting one big gift and we really want them to be from us. Santa NEVER buys clothes, so that doesn't leave any other option. This might seem like a silly thing to make a big deal out of, but I just don't want to handle it in a way that they'll think back on negatively. I might take back my answer to Marcy on what has been the most challenging part of being a parent, because right now this is pretty challenging...

Happy December everyone. Here we go!