What it's all about...

I'm a 39 year old wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt & friend. That should tell you who I'll be writing about most of the time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Challenge Day 2

Today's photo challenge topic is "something that makes you happy". Pink's new album is released today. I will be downloading it tonight. Been looking forward to new music from her for awhile. :)

Wanna know what else makes me happy? Getting a 91% on my first math test of this semester. Getting 100% on the first test AND paper of my religion class this semester.
This semesters classes are Physical Geography: Landforms, Intro to Sociology, Math for Liberal Arts, and Comparative Religions.  The first two are online courses and the last two are on campus in the classroom. This math is the last one I need to get my AA and will transfer. Transfer where you ask? I will be transferring to Regis University next fall. I've already been accepted into their Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences program and will officially transfer over once I earn my AA in the spring. I still can't believe that I'm doing this and it's very surreal to think that I've almost completed the first step in this journey. Regis is a pretty expensive school, but they have a consortium agreement with my community college where I can take a large portion of the BA courses at the community college at the cc tuition cost, while still getting the credits at the university. Plus, all of the classes I'll need to take at Regis are either online or in the evenings, so I'll still be able to work. I've already been in school for two years. It continues to be a challenge trying to balance work, school, and my family and most of the time I don't do a very good job. But I keep trying and will likely come up short more times than I'd like, but I always have the best of intentions and I have to believe that my wife and kids understand that. Hmm...sounds kind of like this blog in a way. :)

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